1. We believe in only one true and living God. We believe that God exists in a Trinity of Persons in the Godhead: God the Father, God the Son, called Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit. These three Persons are not three Gods, but one God. 2. We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the complete Word of God, and they are the only rules of faith and practice. 3. We believe in the fall of man through Adam, and the imputation of his sin to his offspring. We believe in the corruption by sin of the human nature, and we believe that man is unable to redeem or recover himself from his lost state of sin. 4. We believe in the doctrine of election by grace according to the foreknowledge of God through sanctification of the Spirit and the belief of the truth leading to obedience according to the purpose which God purposed Christ our Lord. 5. We believe that the righteousness of Christ that is imputed to sinners is the only ground of their justification before God. Only through Christ is man able to stand righteous before God. The people of God are those who have received Christ as their Savior and Lord, and have received His righteousness through belief in His name (John 1:11-13). 6. We believe that the Spirit and power of God will effectually call, regenerate, sanctify, and support those who were chosen in Christ so that they shall persevere in grace, and not one of them will finally be lost. 7. We believe that good works are the fruits of faith - that they follow justification and they evidence the grace of God in the life of the believer. 8. We believe that there will be a resurrection of the dead and a general judgment, and that the happiness of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked shall be eternal. 9. We believe that the visible church is a congregation of baptized believers in Jesus Christ who enjoy Christian fellowship with each other, have associated themselves together with a view to keep up public worship and a godly discipline, and are agreeable to the rules of the Gospel. 10. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church and the only Law-giver. However, the administration of the laws on earth is vested in each church itself. Equal share in that administration is given to each member as a privilege. We believe that church discipline is intended for the purity of the church and for the reclaiming of those members who may be disorderly either in principle or practice, and that it should be practiced for the glory of God. 11. We believe that baptism in water by immersion and the Lord's Supper are the only ordinances of Jesus Christ and are to be continued until His return. 12. We believe that only believers in Jesus Christ have the right to commune at the Lord's table. 13. We believe that it is the privilege and responsibility of every Christian to make a public profession of faith, to be baptized by immersion, to become a member of the visible Church, and to partake of the Lord's Supper at every opportunity in the course of his or her life.
In addition to the items above, in matters of faith and doctrine this church will subscribe to The Baptist Faith and Message as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in the Year of our Lord 2000.