Upcoming Events
- Our WMU and Tabitha’s Team will be partnering with Life Matters Outreach Pregnancy Center this year. Each month, we will have a box set up in the back of the church where we will list the items that the center is in need of. For the month of September, the center is in need of clothes for little boys’ sizes 6 months, 9 months, 3T-5T. Please pray and give.
- There is a gift card tree set up in the back for the newlyweds, Carson & Whitney Shelton.
- We are in need of drivers & riders for the van ministry. If you feel God is leading you to help with this, please see Abigail.
- If anyone would like to donate items for Operation Christmas Child, there will be a box in the back. This week, we are collecting WOW items such as a stuffed animal, ball w/pump, jewelry or hobby kit, doll or larger item that will fit in a shoebox.
- September 29th- Bake auction for OCC. Please turn in by 9:45 a.m., bid till 11:00 a.m.
- September 29th- Youth Sunday. Youth will lead morning service, youth singers, youth performances.
- September 29th- Prayer in the park; Youth will meet at the church at 5:00 p.m. to head out to have service in the park.
- October 6th- Oh deer! A baby boy is almost here! Please join us for a baby shower honoring Rachael McElheney at Victory Baptist Church from 2-4:00 p.m. She is registered on Amazon.
- October 13th- Join us for our Homecoming at 11:00 a.m. We are having our service at the creek again this year. We are happy to have the talented gospel bluegrass group, The Dixie Ramblers with us! How cool is it that their group is named after one of the band member’s grandmothers! We are looking forward to a day spent in the Lord. Be sure to join us!
- October 27th- Pinto Bean luncheon for OCC. Also, it’s the last day to donate items for OCC.